Covid-19 Virus

March 12th.

Parents and Community Members;
I want to give you an update on what we know as of today on COVID-19. 

First, we want to let you know that the District is continuing to work closely with the Health Department and to follow their guidelines on COVID-19, as mentioned in last week's letter to you and the community.  We are told the absolute best line of defense is keeping surfaces clean, washing hands, not touching your face, stay home when you are sick (very important), etc.  

I also want to say how impressed I have been with the Vermont Department of Health and the AOE for assisting us and keeping us informed through their website which is updated daily.  

In this rapidly developing situation, there are some updates.  As you will see, most have to do with ensuring we avoid large groups of people who are coming from different areas of the country or the state:
  • As you probably know, we now have 2 known cases of the virus in the state - one in southern Vermont and one in Chittenden County.  At this time, there are no other known cases.  
  • Until further notice, all trips outside the country have been cancelled or postponed.  You should speak with your principal if you have questions on a trip.
  • The All-New England Music Festival has been cancelled.  
  • The division 1 and 3 Semifinal Girls' Basketball Games that were scheduled for March 12th will be postponed until further notice.  
  • The March 17th SCRIPPS Spelling Bee event has been postponed until further notice.  
  • Spring sports and all other related VPA events and meetings, as of today, are currently scheduled without disruption.  
This list is not exhaustive - only what I know at this time. 

We have been advised that all school events which are taking place within our community can take place - concerts, assemblies, meetings, etc.  In addition, schools will remain open at this time.  

Our Safety Team has scheduled a meeting for tomorrow morning (Friday, 3-13-2020) which will include our local representative from the Vermont Dept. of Health.  At that time, he will update us and answer questions for us.  After that meeting, we will send out any additional information we have.

From the Superintendent of Schools, Kevin Dirth

March 4, 2020
Dear Families;

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with important information related to COVID-19 and the MRUSD response. First, please know that we take our guidance from the VT Agency of Education and the VT Department of Health. These two State divisions work closely together. Collectively, they prioritize the health and safety of Vermont children and citizens statewide. We have been assured that the State of Vermont is being attentive to the COVID-19 and is prepared to respond to protect Vermonters.

The VT Agency of Education and VT Department of Health are coordinating their efforts to alert VT schools about specific preparedness and response guidelines to follow. They will continue to provide us with regular updates and/or new information as it becomes available. As information is shared with us, we in turn, will share it with you. To date, they have shared the following information:

  1. There are no confirmed cases of people with COVID-19 in Vermont as of March 4, 2020.
  2. At this point, Vermont residents are much more likely to become sick with a cold or the flu than to be exposed to COVID-19.
  3. All Vermont residents should be vigilant in taking the precautionary measures that help prevent the spread of cold and flu viruses as they can also keep an illness like COVID-19 from spreading, this includes:

  • Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home and/or keep your children home when they are sick - this is more important than ever.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your sleeve or a tissue. Throw the tissue in the trash. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

In addition, they have provided school guidance as it relates to the following areas:

  • Classrooms: for teachers to review hand washing techniques with students; discourage students from close, physical contact with peers, and from sharing food.
  • School Cleaning and Disinfection: to follow routine cleaning procedures. Please know that the MRUSD uses high-quality disinfectants to clean all areas of the schools. The MRUSD Facilities Department is outstanding and is committed to ensuring all buildings are properly cleaned and safe for our students and staff.
  • Academic and Family Travel: this includes encouraging families and staff to consult the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel website for geographic areas with widespread transmission and the CDC’s official COVID-19 warnings and alerts related to nonessential travel along with Frequently Asked Questions and Answers sections on Canceling or Postponing Travel, Air or Cruise Travel and Returning from Travel .
Responding to a Potential COVID-19 Case: this is only for a student, staff member or volunteer who reports symptoms and has traveled to one of the affected locations (as of March 1: China, Iran, Italy, Japan or South Korea) in the 14 days before symptom onset or who has had recent close contact with someone under investigation by public health authorities for COVID-19.

As you may know, there have been a range of media reports on COVID-19. Some of them are sensational and very alarming while others are factual and informative; discerning the difference can be a challenge. We encourage you to monitor your media intake, utilize reputable sources, and to assure your children that school is a safe and healthy environment. There has also been media coverage on the prospect of widespread school closures in the United States. At this time, we are being informed that this is not a necessary measure in Vermont. However, there is always a chance that, in the future, we will be asked to close school for a period of time with very little notice. Given this possibility, we recommend that you put plans in place for your family if this were to occur.

If you have questions on the virus, the Vermont Department of Health’s COVID-19 website is an up-to-the-minute source of information on the response to COVID-19 in Vermont and should be your first stop to stay informed on immediate news and guidance, or dial 2-1-1 for more information. Additional resources include:

We understand that managing uncertainty is challenging. Please know that we will be working closely with the Vermont Department of Health to monitor illness in our schools and educate our students to keep our school community healthy and safe.


Kevin Dirth
Superintendent of Schools