Details on Graduation for 8th Graders 2021



St. Albans City School 8th Grade

Wednesday, June 9th, from 6:00-7:00 we invite the families of our 8th-grade students to join us for a final celebration of the years that they have spent at St. Albans City School. We will meet at the front of the school. Students should arrive by 5:45 and we will begin promptly at 6:00. We expect the ceremony will take about 30 minutes with time after for pictures. 

Everything starts with PLP night on June 8th. This is a Virtual event from 6:00-7:00 and each Team will share the zoom link with their families.

The final celebration day will begin at 10:00 when all 8th-grade students should be at the front of the school for rehearsal. We do not have transportation for rehearsal - students need to get here on their own power. After rehearsal, we will provide a BBQ Luncheon featuring Misty Knoll chicken. Students will receive their yearbooks and have time to sign them. We expect everything to be done by 12:00-12:30. It will be a hot day, and students will be protected from the sun by a giant tent that we rented for the event.

Students will need to return at 5:45 to get ready for the ceremony that will begin promptly at 6:00. The ceremony will be on the front stairs of the school. The front parking lot will be left empty for families to sit in designated areas. We ask families to bring lawn chairs or blankets to make themselves comfortable and umbrellas if needed. If families do not have chairs, we will have some folding chairs outside that they can use. Our Music Department has arranged a sound system that can be heard at all points in the main parking area. 

Cars can park in the second parking area, the ball fields (we will have parking guides) and in the parking areas in front of the gym. Parking will be tight, so coming in as few vehicles as possible will be helpful. Our staff will park at the city garage so that there is room for our guests to park.

Following the ceremony, there will be time to take pictures. During the ceremony, Mitch Craib will be taking pictures for you and he will post them so that you can have pictures of your children that were taken up close. We will make sure that we get a picture of each student. 

Students will wear masks when they are seated during the service. Masks will not be worn when they walk up to get their certificate and when we take pictures. Chairs will be three feet apart under the tent. In the parking lot, there will be adequate space between families so that people can feel safe. We ask that our guests please respect that we are all at different places in our comfort level and vaccination status, so keeping our distance will be important. We are also required to continue following the School Guidelines that we have operated under all year. Only students and staff are allowed in the building, and we rented a Port-a-let for emergency use.

We are looking forward to making this a special night for our children and families. This is also the last day of school for our 8th-grade students.