Fancy Dance 2019

Prom - Free images on PixabayFancy Dance Neck, Tie - Free images on Pixabay

What:      A chance for kids to get dressed up and dance!

Who:  Grades 1-3 ONLY

When:  Friday, May 10

Time:  3-4:30 pm

Where:  SACS Cafeteria

Please sign the permission slip below and return to your child’s teacher
with a donation of $3.  All money will go to the 8th Grade PAG for their
end of the year trip. Be sure to leave a phone number where you can be
reached during the dance.  The expectation is that everyone dress in
“fancy” clothes. We will have some on hand if needed.  Please contact
Stacie Rouleau with questions or concerns.

I give my child __________________ permission to attend the Fancy Dance
on May 10, 2019. I can be reached at________________ should there be
a problem.  ________________________ will be picking my child up in
the lobby at 4:30 pm.

__________________________________________ (parent/guardian signature)