Student Walking School Bus Leader Application

St. Albans City School

Name: _______________________________ Grade: ______    Community: ________________

Supervisors: ___________________________________________________________________

SACS Learning Community Mentor to Contact:_______________________________________

In the space below, write a short essay that details a time when you have acted responsibly, and
why you believe you would be a good candidate for the Walking School Bus leadership position.

Job Description:
  • Help to lead your walking school bus one way to school five days per week. 
  • Get to know all the kids on your walking route by name, and learn something special about them.
  • Expect to walk approximately 90 school days (Sep 3rd - Nov 26th and Mar 4th - Jun 9th). 
  • Dress appropriately for all kinds of weather. You will need to lead rain or shine, hot or cold.
  • Arrive at the start of your route five minutes before the listed start time.
  • Accurately follow the pickup times listed on the walking school bus maps.
  • Be willing to be photographed occasionally and interviewed about your work.
  • This content can be added to your PLP reflection website.

Student Walking School Bus Leader pledge:
If accepted, I will…
  • Report for duty on time
  • Follow the expectations and directions
         of the program supervisors
  • Strive to earn the respect of fellow students
  • Report dangerous practices of students
  • Strive to ensure safe road crossings

Student Signature: _________________________________  Date: ___________________

Mentor Signature: _________________________________  Date: ____________________

Supervisor Signature:_______________________________ Date: ____________________

Approval of the parent or guardian:
I understand the rationale for, and duties of, the student-led walking school bus program and give
my consent to have my student, __________________________________________, serve as a
walking school bus leader.

Purpose for the expansion of the Walking School Bus Program:
St. Albans City School has successfully managed a limited walking-school bus-program for the
last six years. The goal of that program is to demonstrate that students can benefit from exercising
while walking and biking to school, that they can enjoy the social aspect of the exercise, and that
they can be primed for learning when they arrive at school. That program has about a 25% student
participation rate on Walking Wednesdays. On the other days of the week, where students are not
supervised and supported, there is only a 13% participation rate. The non-Wednesday numbers
could be higher if we can tap into the leadership potential of our students. That is why the
student-led program is being started. It is hoped that if there are older students willing to lead
walking school buses, then more students would begin to walk and ride daily to school on their own.


Student Expectations:
  • Attend the training and expectations session at the beginning of the school year
  • Be dependable. Arrive on time, be ready to work, and let your supervisor know if you can’t make it.
  • Respect the program supervisor(s) and their spaces.
  • Model school-wide expectations. Be Safe, Achieving, and Caring.
  • Advocate for yourself. Talk with your supervisor or mentor if something isn’t working.
  • Include reflections and pictures in your PLP, connected to transferable skills.
  • Generalize the skills learned in the internship so they are seen back in the educational setting.

Internship Supervisor 
  • Support the student walking school bus leaders by checking in with the leaders on a regular basis.
  • Document student work, including photo documentation for student PLP where appropriate.
  • If desired, a supervisor reflection can be added to the student’s PLP.

Mentor (who is not the teacher that the internship is with)
  • Support both student leader and program supervisor.
  • Conduct regular check-ins with student, team, and supervisor.
  • Attend meetings about the student as needed.

Community Responsibility

  • Designate a learning community contact teacher to communicate with Mr. Craib

  • Share celebrations/concerns and appropriate need-to-know information to mentor Mr. Craib