Then and Now 50 Years Apart

St. Albans City School
1970 Podium used for Giving Speeches

2020 Podium Crafted by H.O.P.E.

St. Albans City School
1970 Hallway by the Lobby

2020 Hallway by the Lobby
The only carpet in the hallways is put down in the winter to soak up melting snow.

St. Albans City School
Upstairs Art Room in 1979

Upstairs Art Room in 2020

St. Albans City School
Teacher instruction during shop class in 1970.

Lego Robotics instruction during S.T.E.A.M. class in 2020.

St. Albans City School
Electrical Circuits in Shop Class - 1970

Circuits and Motors in Maker Space - 2020

St. Albans City School
Using a handheld plane to smooth out a piece of wood during Shop Class in 1970.  
Using an electric planer to smooth out a piece of wood in H.O.P.E. (Hands On Practical Arts) in 2020.