U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy's Zoom Meeting with 7th and 8th Graders

Summary of the Questions and Answers from U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy’s Visit

  1. Why did he enter politics? Leahy went to law school at Georgetown in Washington D.C. While there he used to watch the Senate in action and their work inspired him. He went back to Vermont and became the States Attorney. He learned that you could run for the senate when you turned 30 and he did so, not expecting to win. He did and has been there ever since.

  2. What background did he have for going into politics? He talked about his very demanding work as a States Attorney. It was 7 days a week and often long into the night. He tried lots of cases, gained an understanding of people and their issues and he saw lots of tragedy. He wanted to be able to help people.

  3. Why did he choose to be a Democrat rather than a Republican or Independent? His parents were Democrats. He believed Democrats stood for all residents and he felt more aligned with them. President Kennedy inspired him.

  4. What is his favorite part of being a senator? Meeting with students, meeting constituents on streets and in grocery stores. He feels like Vermonters are easy to talk to. He feels like he has attained a position that allows him to do things for Vermonters. He sits on many committees and has been able to find resources that make a difference in Vermonters’ lives.

  5. What is the most important issue he is dealing with? Leahy mentioned the problem of polarization first but ultimately came down to saying that climate change is the biggest issue our country is facing and that we need to solve it for future generations.

  6. What sports did he play when he was the same age as St. Albans City School students? Basketball due to his height. Unfortunately, one eye gave him trouble with depth perception, so he ended up being the manager. In college, he became a champion rifle shooter and competed around the country.

  7. What is he doing to deal with cyber-attacks? Leahy discussed examples of institutions damaged by cyber-attacks. He mentioned that schools like Norwich are helping by to train people who can help us combat the attacks. He urged us to take precautions individually as well.

  8. What does he think about political extremism? Leahy talked about how he worked well with Republicans in Vermont and nationally in the past. He says he still sees hope that people can work together in the Senate and he tries to do so respectfully in his duties there.

  9. What does he think about Biden’s plan to address the Pandemic? Leahy basically said he is doing a good job. Addressing the pandemic is Biden’s primary issue and it should be. He likes the way that Biden leads by example, wearing masks, social distancing, etc. He agrees with Biden that businesses and schools need to reopen as fast as can be safely achieved. Leahy stated that he and Biden are friends and have worked together since the 1970s.

  10. Does he have any siblings? An older brother (deceased) and a younger sister who lives in central Vermont. He has relatives all over the region, including nearby in Canada.

  11. What is the most important legislation he has helped to complete? Leahy mentioned the recent Covid bill as its benefits are so needed. He feels like we would be in a depression now without government help this past year. He talked about the organic farm bill, farm to families and school bills. Clean lakes bill. Bills to support forests.

  12. What was it like on January 6th at the Capital? Leahy talked about counting the electoral votes when security members rushed in and led the senators away. He saw police officers with submachine guns and was shocked by the situation. He remembered how pleased he was that both Democrats and Republicans agreed with him that after the building was secured, that they return to their chambers and complete the electoral vote count.

  13. One student mentioned that his parents are fearful for the safety of their children in Vermont. Leahy said Vermont is safer than many places around the country. He said that families and people around the country need to talk and work to eliminate biases. Leahy wants us to recognize our core value that all people are equal. He mentioned that he has five grandchildren, three white and two of color. He wants those children to have equal rights and opportunities. The same should be the case for all Americans.

  14. Has he ever met a president? Leahy said he had personally met all the presidents since Eisenhower. He is committed to working with whoever is in the Whitehouse.

  15. What is in the future of Vermont? Leahy wants us to strive for equality and peace. He wants us to continue to have great schools and teachers. He wants this state to be a place where people can find jobs and live a high quality of life.

  16. How did he get to have roles in Batman movies? Leahy talked about becoming a read as young as three years old. He loved reading classic literature but also found joy in comics, particularly batman comics. As a senator, he partnered with the comic book industry to generate an anti-landmine batman comic book that helped pass anti-landmine legislation. Because of that experience, and a connection his son helped make, he showed up in one and then eventually a total of five batman movies. The money he received for his participation was plowed into the Montpelier public library.

  17. If he could get one piece of legislation passed now, what would it be? It would address global warming and climate change. His second important piece of legislation would focus on helping every adult citizen have easy access to voting.