Friday, April 16, 2010

Announcements 04-19-10

After School Tutoring

Due to Parent Teacher Conferences next week, there will be no after school
tutoring for the week of April 19. We will see everyone after vacation,
the week of May 3.

Johnson State College Soccer Clinic
For Boys and Girls Ages Pre-K through 8th Grade

Sundays: April 25th, and May 2nd
Time: 9:00-11:00
Where: Johnson State College Campus
Cost: $50.00 per child (includes t-shirt and soccer ball)

If interested you can pick up a form in the main office.

Diane Lunderville
Memorial Hockey Scholarship

A hockey scholarship fund has been established in memory of Diane Lunderville. Diane served as the middle school secretary at St. Albans City School for sixteen years. She had a great love of children and was an avid hockey fan. It is our hope that this scholarship will provide a positive experience for the children selected and the sport that Diane supported throughout her life.

This scholarship (not to exceed $300.00 each) will allow a St. Albans City middle school
boy and girl to attend the hockey school of their choice. The scholarship will be awarded yearly at graduation ceremonies to the boy and girl that exemplify the characteristics that
Diane valued:

• Love of Athletics

• Sportsmanship

• Desire to use one’s abilities to be the very best they can be.

Any questions should be directed to Casey Benedict or to Marcie Lewis at St. Albans City School (802) 527-0565.
Application available in the main office. Thank you for your participation.

The Franklin Grand Isle Bar Association would like to present a citizen award to a graduating 8th grader who consistently demonstrates respect for the rights of others and who has demonstrated leadership in the school or community. Deadline for applications is May 3rd.

St. Albans City School presents WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN!

St. Albans City School would like to welcome all incoming Kindergartners
(children who will be 5 before September 1st, 2010) and their parents to
the 2010-2011 school year. You are invited to visit us in the
Kindergarten on Tuesday, May 18th from 6 pm to 7
pm. Registration material for Kindergarten screenings will be available.
Your child’s social security numbers, immunization records and birth
certificate are required. For more information, call Helene Biggie at

Fresh Air Fund
Are you looking for a wonderful way to provide a service to children in
need? The Fresh Air fund is seeking families to open their hearts and homes
to New York City children this summer. As a volunteer host family with The
Fresh Air Fund, you will help a child enjoy the simple pleasures of a summer
away from hot city streets.

Call Michelle Piche at 849-2375 or visit to volunteer

Fitness Team Practice Week of 4/19 - 4/22

Monday 4/19 3:15 - 4:10

Thursday 4/22 3:15 - 4:10

**Remember to dress for the weather. We WILL run the mile outside.