Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Announcements 03-23-11

Raider's Idol
Raider's Idol is postponed until further notice.

Pep Rally
The K-3 communities had a Pep Rally on Monday hosted by team Imagination. The focus was on Safe, Achieving, Caring. Many students received SAC Superstar awards. Let's continue to encourage all of our students to be SAFE, ACHIEVING, and CARING ALL the time so City School can be the best school it can be!

Team USA
is currently working on a Newspaper Project with Vermont Public Television. Team USA will be the 'Poster-class- and exemplar for a State-wide contest.

Team USA is working on a project for the City of St. Albans and Effeciency Vermont. They will will inventorying the street lights in St. Albans and with an adult citizen committee, will make recommendations to the City Council.

Last year students in Team USA did a study on composting in the school. Team USA community service committee has agreed to collect the school wide compost material and therefore help make the world a beter place!

Team USA will be meeting with a group of students from BFA and discuss internes and fFacebook issues and safety.

Team USA will be hosting a Search and Rescue expert to share his career.

Team USA wil be piloting the NECAP online writing program for the State of VT.

Team USA is hosting a dance this Friday night.

Team USA is hosting a Team of IBM Engineers to help them explore an experimental method and potential career.

Team USA is working on a "What are potential Careers' for 8th grade students this May. If interested in helping us, please contact Team USA.

Peter D