The Art Department is preparing for the upcoming District Art Show which takes place at the St. Albans Armory next week. The opening reception takes place on Monday (February 13th) from 5:30 - 7:30. The Show will continue on Tuesday through Thursday from 8AM to 5PM and Friday from 8AM to 12PM. Many of our talented students will have their work displayed. There will be large portrait grid drawings and nature poetry books created by seventh and eighth graders, ceramic bowls created by fifth graders, Rainbow Fish collages, mobiles and papier mache spaceships created by second graders, clay looms created by third graders, fish mosaics by kindergarten, underwater paintings and self-portrait puppets created by first graders, and masks created by fourth graders. Letters of congratulation were sent to parents of students whose work was selected for the show.
Come and see the work of our creative students!!
Evacuation Drill
On Thursday, we had a drill and evacuated all students to the gym. Students were quiet, listened to directions and the rest of the building was empty in under ten minutes. We are so proud of our school and the way everyone handled this drill. We gave directions to 700 students with no microphone, and you could have heard a pin drop.
Drama Club
Practice from 3:15-5:15pm
News from Odyssey of the Mind
The team has been working hard on their long term problem and on practicing for the spontaneous portion of the competion. This past weekend, the team participated in SATEC's spontaneous scrimmage with 5 of SATEC's teams that are going to the State Tournament in March. We were congratulated for being the best at creatively solving three out of the six problems presented that day, and performed very creatively for all of the other problems. Odyssey of the Mind is a program designed to get the children to think outside the box to solve three types of spontaneous problems: verbal, hands on, and hybrid or mixed that can be hands on verbal or non-verbal. They will also present an eight minute long term problem of their choosing on March 10th at CVUHS in Hinesburg, and they will be judged on the official spontaneous problems on tournament day. The entire program is hands on for the kids and hands off for the coaches; which isn't always easy for either the coach or the kids, but it has been a rewarding and fun experience for all involved!!
News from the Voyagers
Voyager students have been using drama and movement to work on their fluency, voice, and presentation skills!
Last week students performed ":Two Pigs and a Mud Pie"and today others showed their talents during "Cinderella Outgrows Her Glass Slippers". There was a lot of laughter and students were surprised to find that some of their classmates have been hiding some serious talent! The actors and actresses in both plays
are eager to continue with more presentations to entertain the team!
Girl Scouts
If you have an interest in Girl Scouts, please see Mrs. Biggie for a form to request more information.
Dance Tonight (2/10) Sponsored by The PAG 2012 for Grades 6,7 & 8
Arrival and Dismissal from Dances!
Dances are held from 7 – 9 p.m.
Students will continue to enter through the gymnasium doors
and sign themselves into the dance.
School Expectations (Safe, Achieving, Caring) remain at all
evening events and that includes dances.
Dismissal from dances is the change. At the end of
our dances chaperones and staff will walk students through the
building to our front lobby. We will dismiss from there.
After all the parking lot changes we have noticed that the flow of traffic is
natural and more light is provided. Safety is important and this change will
be safer for all participants.
Please be prompt for pick up as staff and chaperones need to get home
too. If your student does not have a ride home please don’t send them
to our dances unless they have made arrangements before coming to the
Kindergarten Share Time! |
The food pyramid has been replaced by a food plate. Check it out on
Use your brain for Dexterity:
Tongue Twister: How can c clam cram in a clean cream can?
Hot Lunch Entree for Friday February 10th
Chef’s Creation Specialty Pizza
Side Caesar Salad
Chilled Fruit Cup
Fresh Fruit
Farm Fresh Milk