Monday, February 20, 2012

Announcements 2-21-12

WordMasters Round II

WordMasters had their second competition on Monday, with students from third through seventh grade taking the test. After the competition, they received certificates in the library and had a chance to share their favorite word from their list. Congratulations, WordMasters!

VCCA Cheer Competition

The 7/8 JR High Cheerleaders took 3rd in Large Middle School division at the VCCA Cheer Competition in Windsor VT.
Team Travelers teacher Stacie Rouleau who is also the BFA Varsity Cheerleading Coach won Northern Vermont Cheer Coach of the Year.

Engineering Day

Seventeen schools participated in UVM's annual Engineering Day last week, including 36 students from SACS who participated in four different events. The SACS teams brought home many awards! Here are the results:

Breannah and Bryan from Incredibles won Most Marketable in the Smart Phone Competition.  They designed their phone on Sketch-up and then had a catchy live commercial that sold it to the judges.  Amazingly, neither student had used sketch-up before this competition.

Austin and Jacob from Renaissance won Most Functional Design in the Smart Phone Competition.  

Derek from Renaissance won Most Creative in the Smart Phone Competition.

Cordelia, Veronica, and Peter won first place in Most Aesthetically Pleasing (yummiest) Category of the Edible Car Competition

Megan, Jessie, Nickayla and Alexis from Renaissance won 3rd place in the Most Creative Category of the Edible Car Competition

Ian, Derek, Jonny, and Jason from Triumph won two awards in the Playful Invention:  Most Creative Game and First Place overall.  They received first place out of eighteen teams of middle and high schoolers.  
In the students words:  This game combines a card game with collectible figures.  Your goal is destroy all your enemies while avoiding attacks by your opponents. You need to come up with a creative plan to come out on top.

Way to go SACS!

Culminating Event

2nd Grade Imagination students have their 10:00am weather video presentation followed by field trip to WCAX channel 3 TV station.

News from Dynamic Design

On Tuesday, February 14th, Dynamic Design Learning Community traveled to our state capital, Montpelier.  While there, our students attended the opening session of the House of Representatives where we were introduced, took a tour of the State House, and participated in a mock trial at the VT Supreme Court.

From St. Albans City Respresentative Dustin A. Degree's February 17th Legislative Update:

"Rep. Keenan and I were happy to welcome the Dynamic Design 7th and 8th grade learning community from City School to the House on Valentines Day. It’s always a pleasure having visitors from home in the State House to observe what we do on your behalf. Many of our colleagues commented on how well behaved and attentive our students were during their time here and while that makes me very proud, it does not surprise me."

Drama Club

Brainstorm Adventure Brain Fit Tip of the Day

Exercise has positive effects on mood and feelings of well-being.

Use your brain for Dexterity:

Tongue Twister: Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.

Hot Lunch Entree for Tuesday February 21st

Rotini Pasta Bake 
Meat, Tomato Sauce & Pasta
Seasoned Green Beans 
Wheat Dinner Roll 
Mardi Gras Sugar Cookies
Fresh Fruit 
Farm Fresh Milk