Here are some Seven Minute Writes from 7th and 8th graders.
I just found out that I had a homework assignment due in an hour. I need to come up with a wild excuse.
I think I will start off with telling my teacher that my family and I went camping. Why my family and I were out camping in 30 degree weather is because I was cooking with an Easy Bake Oven and I burned my house down.
My house burned down and we had no where else to live so we had to go out camping in the forest. While my family and I were camping, I was getting ready to do my homework when a bear appeared, scared us away and ended up eating everything including my homework.
P.S. My family wouldn't allow me around anything that would catch on fire. Which of course includes paper. Thus my homework.
By Sierra, Grade 7
I was walking down the hallway and I forgot my homework paper, so I went to the teacher and she asked me what my excuse was. I told her the truth. I said, "An asteroid hit my house. No one was home at the time and that is why no one got hurt. Where the asteroid hit was where my backpack was and my homework was in my bag." Then the teacher said, "That is not true." So that's when I pulled a rock out of my bag with a hole in it. I said, "This is a piece of the asteroid." The teacher believed me, and said that I was ok, and that I did not have to do it and went on with the class.
By Isaac, Grade 8
News from The Incredibles
The Incredibles had a science fair on Friday for their Culminating Event. Incredibles students studied the scientific method and had experiments to share with family, friends and classmates. Mr. Clark's class filmed their experiments and put them all into an online presentation called a Prezi.
Renaissance Science Fair
Renaissance hosted a Science Fair Thursday February 23rd, as our performance assessment for our Culminating Event. Renaissance students presented their inquiry based science experiments and results to family and friends. Students explained and demonstrated their hypotheses, procedures, and conclusion about their experiments. Students from the Travelers Community had this to say about the Renaissance projects: "Cool!" "I learned a lot of new things from being able to use the stuff from the experiments." "Our buddies taught us lots of new science stuff." Well done Renaissance - we all learned a great deal from you sharing your interesting and educational projects!
A Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) free book giveaway was held for the students of City School yesterday. All students in Kindergarten-8th grade were allowed to pick a book of their choice. The book is theirs to keep. Students will have one more book giveaway before the end of the year for a total of three free books this year.
Winter Recess
We are back to school on Wednesday March 7th. Have a safe and happy break!
Meeting at 3:30 on 3/7
Odyssey of the Mind
Primary Team meeting at 6:00pm in Mr. Galle's room on 3/7
Brainstorm Adventure Brain Fit Tip of the Day
Physical education and recess can trigger sharper learning skills.
Use your brain for Dexterity:
Tongue Twister: How many yaks could a yak pack pack if a yak pack could pack yaks?
Hot Lunch Entree for Wednesday March 7th
Creamy Chicken Alfredo
Chicken, Broccoli, Cheese & Whole Grain Rotini
Steamed Peas
Fruit Filled Muffin Square
Fresh Fruit
Farm Fresh Milk