Greetings From Alaska!
Our first virtual trip to The Alaska Sea Life Center on Thursday night was a huge success with over 40 people in attendance. Students and their families were able to virtually tour the Center, meet the marine mammals who live there and see them in action, and even make a clay sea lion with our tour guide. The tour was not only informative but funny and entertaining as well! Did you miss it? Not to worry - The virtual trip will be repeated next Thursday March 22nd at 6:00pm in the SACS Learning Commons (Library). This opportunity is open to SACS students and their families, and to community members as well. We have limited spaces so you must reserve yours in advance by calling 527-0565 ext.1100 or emailing We hope you can join us!
News from Renaissance
Members of the Renaissance Design Committee spent time during each lunch period on Friday to introduce "Terracycle" to our school and help students with their new system that they set up for the recyclable items. These items collected at school will be sent to Terracycle and turned into thing like backpacks and tote bags such as the ones pictured here:
Flower Sale
Spring Flower sale to benefit 8th Grade graduation is going on now. The order form is at the front desk.
Drama Club Dress Rehearsal
Monday March 19th 6:00-8:00pm
WordMasters Word of the Day
from the 4th grade list:
stouthearted- adjective COURAGEOUS, BOLD
adverb stoutheartedly
adverb stoutheartedly
Brainstorm Adventure Brain Fit Tip of the Day
True or False: As adults, the older you get the less sleep you need. (False) Your body needs 8 hours a night, whether you are 25 or 65.
Use your brain for Creativity:
List 12 items you'd put in a time capsule assuming aliens will find it 100s of years from now. Where will you leave it?
Hot Lunch Entree for Monday March 19th
Oven Baked Corn Dog
Garden Pasta Salad
Baked Beans
Fresh Fruit
Farm Fresh Milk