Thursday, March 22, 2012

Announcements 3-23-12

News From Team USA

Team USA welcomed another distinguished guest to our Leadership Series.  Ms. Joan Cavallo spoke to our community about her leadership experience.  She shared her background as a leader in the business and education world. She also shared her vision of what school should be like and how far St. Albans City School has improved in the past few years.  
The video is in production and will be shared once available.  

Thank You

A Special Thanks goes out to the Kwaii Origami group.  This is a group of 7th grade students who create and sell origami and other goods for special causes.  The group held a bake sale at the March 16th Dance, and donated the proceeds of nearly $50 to the Class of 2012 to use toward the cost of producing the Yearbook.  The Yearbook Committee would like to give a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the group for their hard work and generosity!

Behind The Scenes with "The Phantom Tollbooth"

We asked Mrs. Jarvis about what needs to be done to produce the play, and who helps out:

"This year we have had many people working on production. Mrs. Haberman and one of her art classes designed and made the beautiful back drop. Open Doors did a "Back Stage Pass" and this class made many of the props. Our Drama Mamas, (Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Grubb) made the sets and gathered the costumes. The PTO gave us a large grant to be used toward this production, and we have recently learned that the St. Albans Society for the Performing Arts has also  given us a grant towards our efforts here."

You are invited to see the play Friday 3/23 at 7:00pm and again Saturday 3/24 at 2:00pm.

Brainstorm Adventure Brain Fit Tip of the Day:

Students who eat breakfast find it easier to pay attention, can concentrate better and have better memories and problem-solving abilities. So, breakfast eaters score higher on tests than those who skip a morning meal. Breakfast eaters are also less depressed, anxious and hyperactive than those who eat an unbalanced breakfast or skip the meal entirely.

Use your brain for Creativity: What if...we lived to 200? How would life change?

WordMasters Word of the day:
from the 5th grade list:

1. an alloy of mercury with another metal or metals.
2. an alloy that consists chiefly of silver mixed with mercury and variable amounts of other metals and is used as a dental filling.

a mixture or combination: His character is a strange amalgam of contradictory traits.

Hot Lunch Entree for Friday March 23rd

Chef’s Specialty Pizza 
Dark Green Garden Salad w/Dressings 
Fresh Fruit 
Farm Fresh Milk