Monday, March 26, 2012

Announcements 3-27-12

The Phantom Tollbooth

   I would like to thank everyone who helped with the production of "The Phantom Tollbooth". This production was a collaboration of many different people, and it all came together in a great show! First, I would like to thank my Drama Mamas who constructed sets and got together costumes and supervised and helped keep me going! Also thank you to Suzanne Skaflestad and Jill Snapp for the Open Doors "Backstage Pass" and Melissa Haberman and her class of 6th graders who made the beautiful backdrop. Thank you also to our wonderful PTO and St. Albans Society for the Performing Arts who both provided grants. I would also like to say thank you to all the parents who support this effort. But, the biggest thank you I have is to my great cast of students. Your hard work and dedication always makes this a highlight of my teaching here at City School - and my new chair is amazing!  -Mrs. Jarvis

St. Albans City School presents WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN!

St. Albans City School would like to welcome all incoming Kindergarteners (children who will be 5 before September 1st, 2012) and their parents to the 2012-2013 school year.  You are invited to visit us in the Kindergarten on Tuesday, March 27th  and Wednesday, May 9th from 6 pm to 7 pm.   Registration material for Kindergarten screenings will be available.  Your child’s social security numbers, immunization records and birth certificate are required.  For more information, call Helene Biggie at 527-0565 @ ext. 1101.

News From Kindergarten

Kindergarten visited the Branon's Sugar House in Fairfield on Wednesday. We learned about gathering, boiling and tasting !! We walked in the woods and saw the many miles of pipelines used to collect the sap. We sat in a tractor and then had a huge pancake breakfast, Mmmmm!! 

Countdown to The District Music Festival

The Vermont Music Educators Association is the professional arm of music teachers, and has sponsored both local and statewide music festials for over 75 years. St. Albans City School belongs to  District 1, which includes Richford, Enosburg, Milton, Georgia, St. Albans City and Town, Swanton and Mt. Mansfield schools. We put together 2 festivals a year, with a High School festival and a Middle School Festival. On Friday March 30th, and Saturday March 31st members of our Elementary and Senior Band are traveling to MVU to participate in this years District Music Festival.


Girl 7/8 Softball first practice is at 3:30 in the big gym.

UVM Fitness Competition
Any students in grades 5-8 interested in being part of the Middle School Fitness team should report to the gym for the first practice on Thursday March 29th.  We will meet from 3:15-4:15.  If you have questions about the program please call Meg Jarvis or Rusty Branon at
527-0565 x5002

Vermont Youth Orchestra Philharmonia Concert

They are performing for our school at 1:30 today (3/27) in the big gym.

Franklin County Art Show
The Art Department is pleased to announce that St. Albans City School is hosting the Franklin County Student Art Show this year. The show opens on Tuesday, April 10 and closes on Sunday, April 15. There will be a reception on Wednesday, April 11. Please come and enjoy the work
of our talented students! 

Yearbook News for 8th Graders!

Last call for Baby Pictures and Personal Messages!  Deadline Wednesday, March 28th!

If you want to put your 8th grader's baby picture or a message of congratulations and good luck in the yearbook, the deadline is Wednesday, March 28th!!!  (We may accept late deliveries on Thursday or Friday, but no guarantees due to publishing deadlines - please honor the Wednesday deadline.)  We will take as many as we can get!  The cost is $5 for baby pics and $10 for messages (up to 50 words), but if this is a hardship for your family, we will still take the picture or message.  A donation of any amount will be used toward the publishing and production costs of the yearbook.

Any items can be brought to Ms. Maguire in Dynamic Design, given to your student's L.A. teacher, or mailed to Briana Maguire at City School.  
(Pictures will be returned after being scanned.)

Brainstorm Adventure Brain Fit Tip of the Day

Dark chocolate is antioxidant-rich, and it also improves focus and concentration. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, improves memory and reaction time.

Use your brain for a Mental Exercise: Count backwards by twos or threes from 100 (or forward or backward by sevens).

WordMasters Word of the Day

impoverished- verb  1 : to make poor
                               2 : to use up strength of richness of
                      noun  impoverishment

Hot Lunch Entree for Tuesday March 27th

Grilled Cheese Sandwich on Wheat Bread 
Hearty Country Vegetable Soup 
Chilled Fruit Cup 
Low-Fat Dessert
Fresh Fruit 
Farm Fresh Milk