During WIN sessions a group of Triumph students has been preparing for a debate. They were assigned to PRO or CON teams around the topic: Should students be able to bring their school laptops home at night? Students researched their sides and prepared their arguments. On Friday April 6th, the two teams from A session and B session met for the first time in a live debate! The rest of the students in the audience served as judges...and the PRO side won both the student and teacher vote!
Franklin County Student Art Show
The Art Department is pleased to announce that St. Albans City School is hosting the Franklin County Student Art Show this year at The Collins-Perley Sports Complex. The show opens on Tuesday, April 10 and closes on Sunday, April 15. There will be a reception on Wednesday, April 11. Please come and enjoy the work of our talented students!
Autism Awareness Fact of the Day
Repetition, repetition, repetition! People with autism forgot learned information very easily so they have to relearn skills (simple and hard) unless they review them often. School vacations and summer can be hard for students with autism because they tend to forget skills they learned.
April Fools Joke of the Day
What do you do if your dog chews a dictionary?
Take the words out of his mouth!
WordMasters Word of the Day
obstinancy- (noun) 1:stubbornness. 2: quality or state of being difficult to remedy,
relieve, or subdue.
Hot Lunch Entree for Tuesday April 10th