Mrs. Dussault's 2nd Grade reading class on Team Imagination created dioramas that display their favorite scene from a book that they read. Students used a variety of materials to construct a 3-dimensional look into their book. Be sure to check them out!
School Board Meeting
The meeting will be at 6:00pm in the Library.
School Spirit Week
Next week is Spirit Week. When classes arrive on Monday morning they will have directions and a poster board to decorate for their communities. The poster should represent their community and demonstrate their Raider Pride. Communities are encouraged to expand their spirit into their hallways and doors! The more school spirit....the more points!
Spirit Week Schedule:
Monday - Team Color Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair/Hat Day
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday
Thursday - Sports Jersey Day
Friday - Raiders Blue and White Day
Dance on Friday for Grade 4, 5 & 6
Team Triumph is hosting a dance! School staff, including our principal, Ms. Cavallo, will be chaperones. Only SACS students are invited. We will have contests, games, and other organized activities in addition to the music and dancing. Snacks and drinks will be available to purchase. The theme is Freaky Friday and prizes will be awarded for wacky outfits and crazy hair– no scary costumes please! Remember school dress code applies for school functions.
Students may enter the gym door at 6:30. Parents, please pick your child up promptly at 8:30 at the FRONT entrance of school!
Community Dinner & Dialogue Night 4/19
Please join Caring Communities and St. Albans Neighborhood Watch for a community dinner and dialogue night on Thursday, April 19, 6-8 PM at BFA UHS cafeteria. Parents and their families are welcome. This is an Alcohol Awareness Month event, and we are inviting our neighbors to "Be the Change for a Healthier St. Albans." We'll discuss key Franklin Central Youth Risk Behavior Survey results, celebrate positive trends, identify concerns, and think creatively about what families can do to promote a safe and healthy community that values its members. And enjoy a great meal from Mimmo's. Please join us! Download a flyer at and please share with your neighbors (including your neighbors in St. Albans Town!). Hope to see you there!
Autism Awareness Fact of the Day
People with autism have to conform to our society, but we do not conform to theirs. We expect people with autism to sit in our classrooms, follow our rules, and get sensory input when we tell them to. Is this fair?
April Fools Joke of the Day
Why didn't the chicken cross the road?
Because he was too chicken!
WordMasters Word of the Day
mordant – (adj) expressing harsh criticism especially in a way that is funny.
▪ She is a writer famous for her mordant humor/wit
Hot Lunch Entree for Thursday April 12th