Team Triumph's Fun Friday last week was a group challenge. Groups were given crepe paper, tape, and construction paper and 20 minutes to construct the best human tree. This is just one example of the "fun" that goes on during our Fun Friday activities.
News From Voyagers
Thursday was Voyagers annual gingerbread house day. Student work was, as always, incredibly creative and impressively beautiful! If you get the chance please visit our hall and take a look.
The Voyagers would like to wish everyone a safe and peaceful holiday break!
Culminating Events Today
Investigators - 12:00
Travelers - 12:00
Discovery - 8:30am
Voyagers - 10:00-11:30
Field Trip
Team Triumph is going to The St. Albans Bowling Center from 10 - 12.
Heating Assistance
The Energy Assistance Program helps lower-income Vermonters afford electricty for their homes. For more information call The Economic Services Division at 1-800-775-0516.
Hot Lunch Entree for Friday December 21st
Dress Your Own Burger
Sliced Tomato & Lettuce
Creamy Coleslaw
Baked Beans
Fresh Fruit
Hood Milk
Enjoy the Holiday Break -- The first day back to school is Wednesday January 2, 2013.