News from Team USA
Team USA 7th graders have been learning about graphing linear equations in math class. During class, they competed in the graphing challenge. To complete this the classroom was turned into a coordinate grid! Small groups of students needed to graph equations on the class size coordinate grid. Students labeled the x and y axis and then proceeded to discus the y-intercept and slope. Students engaged in conversation around how to graph equations and enjoyed the activity.
Operation Happiness Finals
City School students are donating 2,459 items to Operation Happiness!!! Students from Renaissance will deliver and sort the items today. Team Triumph is the winning community, with 529 items. Team Discovery came in second, with 324 items; Dynamic Design in third place with 291 items. Renaissance would like to thank ALL communities and Faculty for their wonderful support for this important community service. We are very proud to be a part of such a caring and kind school community. Well done Raiders!
News from Athletics
7/8 Cheerleaders have been busy working on team building activities, new cheers and technical skills.
Dance Tonight for Grades 6, 7 and 8
Team USA is hosting a dance tonight in the cafeteria. It's from 7:00-9:00pm and it's $3 to get in.
Arrival and Dismissal from Dances:
Students enter through the gymnasium doors and sign themselves into the dance.
School Expectations (Safe, Achieving, Caring) remain at all evening events and that includes dances.
At the end of our dances, chaperones and staff will walk students through the building to our front lobby. We will dismiss from there.
Please be prompt for pick up as staff and chaperones need to get home too. If your student does not have a ride home, please don’t send them to our dances unless they have made arrangements before coming to the dance.
Hot Lunch Entree for Friday December 7th
Ham and Cheese Melted in Wheat Tortilla
Creamy Tomato Soup
Roasted Broccoli
Fresh Fruit
Hood Milk