On Wednesday, Coach Martin made good on his promise to the 7/8 Boys Basketball team by letting them shave his head after they won three games in a row! Way to go!
There are 7/8 Boys and Girls Basketball games today at home vs. Westford starting at 4:00pm.
Staying Healthy!
As we are in the midst of cold and flu season here are a few tips to help you stay well:
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into your sleeve/elbow and always wash your hands with soap and water after.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth as this is a common way for germs to spread.
- If you have a fever (100.0 degrees or higher) stay at home until you are fever free for at least 24 hours(without fever reducing medications like tylenol).
- Wash, wash, wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
- Flu shots are still available-call the office of your doctor or the local pharmacies such as Kinney Drugs or Rite Aid.
Please feel free to call SACS Nurses' Office, 527-0565, #3 for any questions that you may have.
PAG 2013
Get your tickets for Friday night before they sell out! This is an adults night out to support SACS 8th grade class of 2013. You can contact Stacie Rouleau or Desiree Gunter for tickets!
Engineering Day
Wow, students really demonstrated how driven they are to be involved in enriching, hands on activities. We received 84 applications for Engineering Day but due to numbers allowed to go we could only accept 50. We always show up with the most students out of any school and so are taking the maximum for which we have spots. Students were selected based on the following criteria.
- First and most important was the quality of the application. When students were asked to give ideas, applications that demonstrated time spend thinking and researching, including multiple ideas and specific examples, were placed at the top of the list.
- After that, grade and if you had attended before were taken into consideration.
Hot Lunch Entree for Thursday January 17th
Chicken or Cheese Quesadilla on Soft Flour Tortilla
Warm Black Beans
Roasted Zucchini
Oatmeal Cookies
Fresh Fruit
Hood Milk