How many steps does our wellness coordinator, Mr. Mitch Craib, take in a two mile hike at two different speeds? Mitch is 5 feet 11 ½ inches tall.
How many steps does Mitch take in his first mile covered in 15:40?
How many steps does Mitch take when he goes faster in his second mile in 13:00?
If you need a walking map to cover 1 mile, or a pedometer, please have your teacher contact Mr. Craib.
Entries are due on February 19th by noon. Entries need to include:
Learning Community name:
Estimator grade level (one per grade per Learning Community):
steps at first speed (1 mile):
steps at second speed (1 mile):
total steps (for both miles):
News from Team Triumph
5th and 6th graders from Team Triumph created a tessellation quilt during their WIN Time. Some of the other exciting WIN groups have included: Debate team, Public Speaking, Math Games, Documentary editing, Junior Great Books, Solar System Mural, and Reader's Theater
5th graders on Team Triumph use Base Ten Cubes to understand the value of decimals.
Cold Weather This Week
It may be too cold for recess this week, but don't forget to bundle up and wear hats and gloves while waiting for the bus or walking to school!
Box Tops for Education Video of the Week
*video will not play in email. Please go to Click Here to view.
Our Box Tops Collection Contest continues - remember to keep clipping!
Our Box Tops Collection Contest continues - remember to keep clipping!
Thank you for your support of this school-wide sustainable fundraising effort.
Hot Lunch Entree for Wednesday Jan. 23rd
Cheesy Breadsticks
Marinara Dipping Sauce
Roasted Zucchini Sticks
Steamed Carrots
Fresh Fruit
Hood Milk