We are so impressed by all of the talent at St. Albans City School! Didn't get your chance to shine? Don't worry, Raiders Got Talent is going on all this week in the cafeteria. Just see Mrs. Trainer or Mrs. Gunter at lunch to sign up.
Engineering Day
UVM Engineering Day for grades 4-8 is fast approaching. It is a great event where projects are prepared in groups ahead of time and then presented the day of the event. Put your creativity and complex thinking skills to work creating an edible car, playful invention or smartphone of the future. For more information go to:http://www.cems.uvm.edu/eweek/
If you would like to apply to participate in this event please fill out the following Google form: Engineering Day Application 2013. The application is due Friday Jan. 11th.
If you have any questions please email Ms. Bertucci at bertuccie@fcsuvt.org or stop by and see her in the Tech Ed Room.
Unified Arts Night
On Tuesday January 29th from 5:00-6:30pm the Unified Arts teachers will be holding an Unified Arts Night at school. This is a family event that showcases what your child/children have been up to in Art, Music, PE, Tech Ed, Library and Family and Consumer Science this year. Please look for a brochure in your child's backpack highlighting the events that will be available.
We hope to see you there!!
Field Trip
The 7/8 Boys and Girls Basketball Teams are playing at MVU today(1/7).
Drama Club
3:15 - 5:00. Remember to sign up at the front desk by 1:00pm if you need to ride the bus home.
PAG 2013
Raffle tickets were sent home with every 8th grader last week. Please return the tickets and money collected to Mrs. Gunter by Feb. 20th! If you are interested in joining the PAG please contact Erica DeBellis at erica_debellis@hotmail.com or just come join us at the next PAG meeting on Wednesday 1/9 at 6:00pm in the library.
Hot Lunch Entree for Monday Jan 7th
Chicken and Cheese Fajita
Spinach Salad w/Apples and Maple Vinaigrette
Red Roasted Potatoes
Fresh Fruit
Hood Milk