News from Team Triumph 4th Graders
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“We are doing an economics unit. Last week we learned all about money. We thought about what the world would be like if we did not have money. People would have to barter (trade) to get the things they wanted. When we were learning about bartering we did an acting scenario and bartered for certain things. The main thing that we learned was that bartering was definitely not easy. We had a hard time getting exactly what we needed because things were not even. Trading a car for an apple does not make sense. After we learned about bartering we choreographed a dance to show what we learned. The movements we choose represented different parts of bartering. As you watch you will see:
1) Going back and forth deciding what's an equal trade
2) “I’ll give you this, if you give me that.”
3) Celebrating I will get what I want
4) Making the trade
5) Going all over to find what I want and what is equal
6) It's really hard work to barter so I'm tired and going to sleep
The background music is “Price Tag” by Jessie J which says “It’s not about the money” and in bartering you don’t use money. A big thank you to Mrs. Perrault for letting us use some of her time to record our dance.” - Alyssa, Cam, Nicole, Molly
Band lessons for all beginning band students is starting this week.This is today and tomorrow. There is a first schedule posted outside of every upstairs classroom. Please be on time for your lesson, and if you are a person who does not have an instrument yet, but signed up, please come down with everyone and Mr. Mehaffey will have one for you.
Band lessons for all beginning band students is starting this week.This is today and tomorrow. There is a first schedule posted outside of every upstairs classroom. Please be on time for your lesson, and if you are a person who does not have an instrument yet, but signed up, please come down with everyone and Mr. Mehaffey will have one for you.
If you are interested in finding out more information about the Codesmyths programming course, please come to the kick-off event on Wed. Sept. 24th at 8:15 in the Library.
Codesmyths is open to all students in grades 4-8. This kick-off is a great time to find out more about the course and get your questions answered. We look forward to seeing you there.
Mr. Roland, Ms. Bertucci, Ms. Tagliamonte
Transportation Tally Results
Thank you students for letting us know how you get to school. Most of you ride the bus or come in your family car. 85 to 100 students walk and bike to school each day. We hope that more people will consider walking and biking to school as the year goes on.
Bicycle/Skate/Ski Helmet
Orders Due September 26th
There will be ONE helmet drive this Fall. Anyone needing to order a bicycle, skate boarding, or ski helmet should pick up an order form from the bulletin board area of the school's front lobby. Contact Mitch Craib at 802 527 0565 x3217 with questions. If price is a concern, please let Mitch know. Everyone riding on wheels or skis should be wearing a helmet. Link to helmet order form that can be printed out.
The 7/8 Soccer Teams have home games today starting at 4:00pm.
The 5/6 Soccer Teams have games in Fairfield today starting at 4:30.
School Meals
Families who qualified for Free and Reduced lunches last school year who have not applied this school year, please note that your status will expire on October 9th and your student will become paid if you do not apply by that date. If you need help applying or have any questions at all please contact Desiree Gunter at or 527-0565. The lunch form can be found online here: Lunch Application.
Picture Days Schedule
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Lunch Menu for Monday September 22nd
Warm Syrup
Sausage Links
Sweet and White Home Fries
Fruit and Veggie Bar
Homemade Soup
Or Yogurt Or Sunbutter and Jelly Or Deli Sandwich
Fresh Milk