IMPORTANT DATES OCTOBER Picture Days. October 6th-Monday/Tuesday hybrid students (forms will be sent home (9/28-/29) October 7th- (from 1:00-2:00)-Virtual Academy students, an appointment must be made and parents/guardians must stay a safe social distance from the picture taking area for younger children, we ask that older students only come to the picture area. Please call 527-0565 x3784 to set up a time for your child's picture/and further information. Forms can be picked up September 30th @ the SACS lobby from 9am-3pm October 8th-Thursday/Friday hybrid students (forms were sent home 9/24-/25) MRUSD Board Meeting Wednesday, October 7th. 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Location: Central Office 28 Catherine St. St Albans Board Room
Fall Break - No School Monday, October 12th.
MRUSD Board Meeting Wednesday, October 21st. 6:00 to 9:00 PM
PICTURES MORNING ARRIVAL Here is a little of what morning arrival looked like on Monday. Link to 21 Pictures MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS
Discovery teacher, Ms. Murphy, getting a flu shot last Friday. These are pictures that students drew to decorate the office wall of the new school resource officer, Ms. Kaylie Cadorette. She appreciated the kindness. Triumph students at recess GARTER SNAKE When Ms. Moss and Ms. Ficken’s class went out for recess, they spotted a garter snake in the big tree between the two soccer fields. Short video clip of the snake moving down the tree. FACTS ABOUT GARTER SNAKES “Garter snake is a common name for the generally harmless, small to medium-sized snakes.” Reference “Garter snakes can grow up to 4 feet in length and have a rounded head that flattens out to appear triangular if the snake is threatened. Garter snakes can have a checkerboard pattern on dark areas of the body. Garter snakes have eyes with rounded pupils, and there are two rows of scales on the underside of the snake. Reference What they eat: “Garter snakes, like all snakes, are carnivorous. Their diet consists of almost any creature they are capable of overpowering: slugs, earthworms (nightcrawlers, as red wigglers are toxic to garter snakes), leeches, lizards, amphibians (including frog eggs), minnows, and rodents. When living near water, they will eat other aquatic animals. Food is swallowed whole. Garter snakes often adapt to eating whatever they can find and whenever they can find it because food can be either scarce or abundant. Although they feed mostly on live animals, they will sometimes eat eggs.[7] Reference |
Our Maple Run Unified Equity Committee has been hard at work all summer and we are looking forward to expanding our group. If you are interested in learning more please visit our new webpage through the Maple Run home page under community resources, and you are invited to this Wednesday's open informational meeting on ZOOM from 2-3:30.
Thank You