IMPORTANT DATES DECEMBER MRUSD Board Meeting Wednesday, December 15th. 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Zoom Meeting Only -at this Link. Community Conversation Link to Flyer Thursday, December 16th. 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Location: Collins Perley Sports & Fitness Center. 890 Fairfax Road St. Albans Saturday, December 18th. 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Location: Front Steps of our School Winter Break - No School Thursday, December 23rd - Friday, December 31st, 2021. JANUARY Vaccine clinic for children. Tuesday, January 4th. Location: St. Albans City School. MRUSD Board Meeting Wednesday, January 5th. 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Zoom Meeting Only. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School Monday, January 17th. Inservice - No School Tuesday, January 18th. MRUSD Board Meeting Wednesday, January 19th. 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Zoom Meeting Only. |
PICTURES INVESTIGATORS 2ND GRADE - MUIR Students tested out a Month-of-Code game on Thursday morning, 12-9-2021. Ms. Pelkey assisted them when problems occurred. The classroom was relatively quiet as the children figured out what to do and how to excel at the game. Link to 25 Pictures. EXPLORERS 1ST GRADE PE - WIGHT The class started with everyone shucking off their shoes and lining up for a variety of warmup exercises: Forwards on hands and knees, backward on hands and knees, Forwards and backward on just knees, belly crawl forwards, one-legged hops forwards and backward, galloping, etc. These were fun and exciting activities that worked on students' motor skills in addition to readying them for further activity. Ms. Wight then moved them to activities that involved the giant Omnikin balls. These are lightweight and large balls made with meteorological balloons encased in protective cloth shells. One activity had them rolling the ball back and forth between partners. Next Ms. Wight had them play a game called bump in the road. Two children lay side by side on the mat. Two other children rolled the balls back and forth across the bumps (their backs) 10 times before switching places with those on the mat. The students loved this game. Link to 47 Pictures. EXPLORERS 1ST GRADE SNACKS - DEDIOS After working on reading skills on Lexia, the students in Ms. Dedios’ classroom took time to eat snacks: apples, oranges, graham crackers, and whole-grain snack bars. Ms. Dedios read aloud to the students to minimize their talking while eating. Link to 5 Pictures. |
Organized by students on Team Renaissance COLLECTION UPDATE Good job everybody! Thank you all so much for contributing. We made what may be the last collection Thursday afternoon and since we exceeded our goal of 1000 items, everyone will get to take part in a popcorn party soon! Eighth graders on Team Renaissance will be dropping off all of the food at the Hannaford plaza items on Friday mid-morning, December 10th.On Thursday afternoon, December 9th, we counted a total of 1,473 items. Thank you all for your support! Gold: How much over we are Purple: How far we are from 2000 |
BOTTLE DRIVE TO SUPPORT HOMELESS PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY I am a student at St. Albans City School and will again be managing a bottle drive for the homeless. We will not be doing care packages like we did last year, but instead will be donating money to four different organizations. Most of the proceeds will go to the Samaritan House which is a living space for unhoused people. We will also be donating to Martha’s Kitchen which is a local soup kitchen. They offer food to the people who cannot afford it. We will also be donating to the Swanton Food Shelf. The last organization we will be donating to is CVOEO which is a food shelf for families. The bottle drive this year will be on Saturday, December 18, 2021. We will be located at the front of the school from 11 am- 4 pm. Last year we had a great turnout and raised right over $3,000. WCAX and the Messenger did stories about the bottle drive. The bottles would be preferred clean and brought in trash bags. We take cans, glass bottles, and plastic. The only times to donate bottles will be on the day of the bottle drive. We are hoping for another amazing turnout. Thank you for all of the donations and all of the support from the St.Albans community. Student - Annabelle Peak |
YOU ARE INVITED! To the SACs Dance Party of the YEAR! Fueled by coding, music, and our very own DJ Borst! Save the Date! What: A Zoom dance party When: Wednesday, December 22nd, Time TBD How: Classrooms will call into our Zoom link (will be sent to teacher email the day before the event) and dance with friends from across the school Details: Individual students and classes are invited to create coded dances to share with the school. Each submitted dance will get a special shout-out during our party! The tech team will fill in leftover time with music to keep us dancing! Students who submit a dance for the party will receive a special prize from the makerspace team. One lucky class (picked randomly through a lottery) that submits a coded dance entry will get to dance with DJ Borst, RankinBot3000, and other famous SACs characters in person! Want to submit a dance for the party? Here is how: Complete the Dance Party activity and then share your dance creation with us. Share your creations by copying the link and emailing it to and . Here is an example of the kind of dances you can create: Click this Link Have fun coding, and we look forward to seeing you at the dance party! |
Steve Jobs, adopted in infancy by a family in San Francisco, packed a lot of life into fifty-six short years. In this Who Was…? biography, children will learn how his obsession with computers and technology at an early age led him to co-found and run Apple, in addition to turning Pixar into a ground-breaking animation studio. A college dropout, Jobs took unconventional steps in his path to success and inspired the best and the brightest to come with him and “change the world.” | |
Pearl and her trusty rust-proof robot, Pascal, are enjoying a day out at the amusement park. Spinning teacups, ice cream, and of course: rollercoasters! Through the use of code, Pearl and Pascal can keep track of their ride tokens and calculate when the line is short enough to get a spot on the biggest ride of them all--the Python Coaster. Variables, if-then-else sequences, and a hunt for a secret hidden code make this a humorous, code-tastic day at the amusement park! |
COMMUNITY CONVERSATION Thursday, December 16, 5 - 7 pm at the Collins Perley Sports & Fitness Center 890 Fairfax Road St. Albans. Link to this Flyer |
MEALS Link to the Abbey Website with menus BREAKFAST MENU
NEED TO UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION? Click Here to learn what to do. |
EDUCATION SUPPORT AND SUBSTITUTE TEACHER JOBS Click Here to find out more about them. |