IMPORTANT DATES FEBRUARY MRUSD Parent zoom night. Vape Products and their Impact with Amy Brewer. Thursday, February 10th. 6:00 PM. Submit a request here. Vaccine Clinic. Tuesday, February 15th. 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon. Location: Large Gym. Registration opens Thursday, February 3rd at 5:00pm through the Vermont Department of Health’s Vaccine Registration System. MRUSD School Board Meeting Wednesday, February 16th. Mid-Winter Break, Town Meeting - No School Monday, February 21st - March 1st. MARCH Holiday - Town Meeting Day. No School Tuesday, March 1st. MRUSD School Board Meeting Wednesday, March 2nd. MRUSD School Board Meeting Wednesday, March 16th. Ski Trip/Winter Field Trip. Voyagers. Permission and Assumption of Risk forms Must be Completed. Tuesday, March 22nd. Inservice for Staff - No School Friday, March 25th. Patriotism Contests (Art contest grades 1-8, National Anthem singing contest for ages 6 - 16). Entry deadline: Thursday, March 31st. Link to More Information. Questions and entries can be directed to APRIL Ski Trip/Winter Field Trip. Discovery. Permission and Assumption of Risk forms Must be Completed. Previously scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th. Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show - Link to Application Form Saturday, April 23rd. Location: City Hall. Main Street St. Albans. |
MAPLE RUN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT ZOOM NIGHT VAPE PRODUCTS AND THEIR IMPACT 6:00pm Thursday, February 10th With Amy Brewer Vaping products come in many forms and still in many flavors. They are being successfully marketed to children, and are unfortunately fairly widely used by children. To learn more about these products and their impacts on our children, The Maple Run Unified School District is hosting a Zoom event with Amy Brewer, Health Educator, Northwestern Medical Center, and Coordinator, Franklin Grand Isle Tobacco Prevention Coalition. Amy will share what the products look like, how children get access, and most importantly, the impacts on their developing brains. Please join us for a Maple Run Unified School District Parent Zoom Night. The event is 6:00pm Thursday, February 10th. If you would like an invitation with the Zoom link, please submit a request here. Your invitation will be mailed to you on the morning of the 10th. |
VACCINE CLINIC Tuesday February 15, 2022 from 9:00am - 12:00 noon St. Albans City School will be hosting another Vermont Department of Health Vaccine Clinic. The clinic will feature Pfizer vaccines for students ages 5 to 11, boosters for students 12-16, and adult boosters. The DOH sight is open for registration through the Vermont Department of Health’s Vaccine Registration System. |
PICTURES DISCOVERY OLYMPICS Continuing on Discovery’s Olympic theme, teams competed under their created country names. Prior to the design and construction phase, the students watched a video on the science of bobsledding. All groups were given the same base set of materials and then had creative license from there. They were encouraged to employ the engineering design process. Link to a Dozen Pictures
All “country” teams sent their bobsleds down the track in time trial heats. The podium and medal ceremony is forthcoming! The bobsled run. TEAM USA 8TH GRADE PINEWOOD DERBY EXPERIMENTATION Mr. Rouleau had his students working in the long hallway next to the big gym on Tuesday and Wednesday February 8th & 9th. On one side of the hallway were tools for building the cars and on the other side there was the car test track. This project is incredibly powerful for teaching the value of the scientific method for gaining knowledge through methodical experimentation. The performance of each car, with single modifications to its design, is carefully chronicled in comparison with a control car. Aerodynamics, mass, friction etc. are all experimented with and the performance differences observed. Link to 25 Pictures. USA 8TH GRADE VOLLEYBALL - STAFF VS. STUDENTS Here are the photos from Tuesday afternoon. Link to 25 Pictures. TWINS OR GROUPS WITH COMMONALITIES The Voyagers each have a team shirt. On Wednesday’s they are invited to wear their shirts and many of them do. Here are some of the Voyagers on 2-9-2022. Can you spot the commonalities in this group from Team Triumph? This group of Dreamers from Ms. Brogle’s room match and two of them joined with PE teachers Branon and Wight for another picture. Ms. Lawyer’s classroom group had one thing in common. See if you can spot it. Their age has something to do with it. Travelers Twins 8TH GRADER BACK IN TIME PHOTOS |
SAFER INTERNET DAY: A Day (or 2) Late BUT still important February 8th was Safer Internet Day. We wanted to recognize this day by providing some reminders and information about how to use the internet for school and fun, while also keeping yourself and others safe. AND, because at SACS we like to do more than just a DAY, be on the lookout this month for more messages about staying safe and having fun online. Thank you, Erica |
WINTER SPORTS UPDATE: Friday's 7th grade basketball games have switched sites. Both games will now be at Westford, not at SACS. Game times will be 5:00/6:00. A bus to Westford will leave SACS at approximately 4:00pm. Thank you for the understanding. PRACTICES AND GAMES Volleyball sign-ups are still open. Please submit sign-up sheets by Winter Break, February 18th.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH Framed. Bullied. Disliked. But I know I can still be the best. Sometimes, 12-year-old Donte wishes he were invisible. As one of the few black boys at Middlefield Prep, most of the students don't look like him. They don't like him either. Dubbing him "Black Brother," Donte's teachers and classmates make it clear they wish he were more like his lighter-skinned brother, Trey. Powerful and emotionally gripping, Black Brother, Black Brother is a careful examination of the school-to-prison pipeline and follows one boy's fight against racism and his empowering path to finding his voice. In Detroit, 1945, eleven-year-old Betty’s house doesn’t quite feel like home. She believes her mother loves her, but she can’t shake the feeling that her mother doesn’t want her. Church helps those worries fade, if only for a little while. The singing, the preaching, the speeches from guest activists like Paul Robeson and Thurgood Marshall stir African Americans in her community to stand up for their rights. Betty quickly finds confidence and purpose in volunteering for the Housewives League, an organization that supports black-owned businesses. Soon, the American civil rights icon we now know as Dr. Betty Shabazz is born. Betty Before X is a powerful middle-grade fictionalized account of the childhood activism of Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s wife, written by their daughter Ilyasah Shabazz. |
MEALS Link to the Abbey Website Please advise us if special meal accommodations are required for allergens or other special dietary needs. |
With the ever-changing COVID-19 requirements, testing is more widely available to our community. In the event your student may need a COVID-19 test while at school, your consent is required. You may provide your consent by filling out this form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either of the nurses related to testing requirements/quarantines. or
Thank you! |
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