IMPORTANT DATES MARCH Wednesday, March 16th. Meeting Location, Meeting Agenda ECHO Field Trip: Imagination 2nd and 3rd Grade Friday, March 18th. Ski Trip/Winter Field Trip. Voyagers. Permission and Assumption of Risk forms Must be Completed. Tuesday, March 22nd. Inservice for Staff - No School Friday, March 25th. Introduction to Instruments for 4th Grade Tuesday, March 29, 8–9:30AM The 7th and 8th-grade concert and jazz bands will be performing a live concert for each of the 4th grade classes, to introduce to them all of the instruments they may choose from in our beginning band. Before the end of the school year all 4th grade students will have the opportunity to try the beginning band instruments and decide which one they would like to play next year in 5th grade! Live Band Concert Thursday, March 31, 6:30-7:30PM Grades 7/8 report time is 6:00PM Grades 5/6 report time is 6:15PM Our first band concert in over two years - don’t miss it! Open to the public, no entry fee. Patriotism Contests (Art contest grades 1-8, National Anthem singing contest for ages 6 - 16). Entry deadline: Thursday, March 31st. Link to More Information. Questions and entries can be directed to APRIL Ski Trip/Winter Field Trip. Discovery. Permission and Assumption of Risk forms Must be Completed. Tuesday, April 5th. Walking Wednesday. This is the only Walking Wednesday for the April Wednesday, April 6th. Link to Map and Walking Times. MRUSD School Board Meeting Wednesday, April 6th. Meeting Location, Meeting Agenda MRUSD School Board Meeting Wednesday, April 20th. Meeting Location, Meeting Agenda Vermont Maple Festival Youth Talent Show - Link to Application Form Saturday, April 23rd. Location: City Hall. Main Street St. Albans. |
PICTURES & NEWS ACCESSING THE CAFETERIA We are about to begin gradually using the cafeteria for some meals again. Here is a 2-minute video explaining the expectations for arriving at, using and leaving the cafeteria. DREAMERS OWL PELLET DISSECTION - DUPONT Ms. Dupont's kindergarteners opened up foil-covered "owl pellets". Tweezers and picks were used to tease apart the dried and sanitized pellets. The pellets are regurgitated after owls eat small prey animals like mice, voles, and birds. The students found bones, beaks, and skulls leading them to wonder just what kind of animals the owls had eaten resulting in their pellet. 3-11-2022. Link to 20 Pictures. NAVIGATORS BABY OWL ART - LAWYER (SCOTT) Ms. Scott supervised the kindergarteners making baby owl art associated with their study of owls in a variety of ways. Link to 14 Pictures. TROUT UPDATE - ROULEAU The trout are continuing to look healthy and are growing fairly quickly. We are able to see more of the detail in the color patterns now. We are feeding them twice a day at this point which will speed up their growth as well. By the end of May they should be about the size of an adult pinky finger. INVESTIGATORS ARTS AND CRAFTS OPEN DOORS - PELKEY Ms. Pelkey submitted pictures of fine artwork the students completed this past Thursday afternoon, 3-10-2022. Link to 10 Pictures. EXPLORERS OPEN DOORS - KUHNS March 10th, 2022. Link to 11 Pictures. 8TH GRADE BACK IN TIME PICTURES |
MEALS Link to the Abbey Website MARCH BREAKFAST
Note: Our cafeteria purchased 250 pounds of ground beef from Choiniere Family Farm and Boucher Meat (Green Mountain cheese) for March. We will be ordering from them every month. We will be serving up local beef for most of our items for the rest of the year! |
If a name has been omitted that should be listed, then please contact Mr. Craib at with the person’s name and birthday. |
YEARBOOK CONTENT 8th-Graders, Please complete your voting form for the superlatives to go in the yearbook. Also, if you have not submitted the information to go next to your yearbook portrait, please do so. Thank you. Some of you also need to find a baby picture to submit. |
With the ever-changing COVID-19 requirements, testing is more widely available to our community. In the event your student may need a COVID-19 test while at school, your consent is required. You may provide your consent by filling out this form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either of the nurses related to testing requirements/quarantines. or
Thank you! |