IMPORTANT DATES SCHOOL HOURS JANUARY Voyagers Jay Peak Ski Trip Tuesday, January 10th. 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Transportation: Bus Stewardship Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 11th. 1:00 to 1:30 PM. Location: Professional Library Martin Luther King Day - No School Monday, January 16th. MRUSD Board Meeting. Wednesday, January 18th. 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Location: Northwest Career and Technical Center Incredibles Jay Peak Ski Trip Tuesday, January 24th. 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Transportation: Bus
January 2nd - Winter Break - No School January 16th - Martin Luther King Day - No School |
PICTURES & NEWS WALKING WEDNESDAY REPORT At least eighty-two students and fourteen adults (96 total) walked or biked into school on Wednesday morning. This was an excellent turnout given the dark time of year and the threat of rain. Twenty more people participated this month than is usual for January. Thank you to all who joined the event or who helped make it happen. Team Voyagers had the highest student participation rate. Way to go Voyagers! The next Walking Wednesday will be held on February 1st, assuming that temperatures are above 10 degrees Fahrenheit and the sidewalks are not covered in solid ice. ECHO LEARNING CENTER STAFF TALKED ABOUT JOBS - VOYAGERS You may have noticed that St. Albans City School has partnered with instructional staff from the Echo Museum to provide some excellent STEAM learning experiences this school year. Team Voyagers have been one of the benefitting teams and they found themselves wondering what it is like to work at the Echo Center and what kind of backgrounds the staff have. A zoom meeting with 5th & 6th graders was organized where a variety of Echo staff members came forward to explain their specific jobs and what they like about them. It was fascinating listening to them and students and teachers got to ask plenty of questions. Interestingly, all but one of the employees had college degrees and some had considerable trades and volunteer experiences as well. The 56-minute presentation and discussion was captured on camera. Link Here. Here is a Link to 13 Pictures of the event.
BFA COUNSELORS MET WITH 8TH GRADERS Five counselors met with groups of students to provide them with packets and verbal information about BFA. Course options (very focused on fundamentals in the first year) were explained and all the other learning experiences BFA offers were mentioned. Understandably, the transition to high school makes many of our students apprehensive. While BFA offers some commonalities with middle school learning, there are scheduling differences, increased academic expectations and more choices to consider. Each year, BFA works with St. Albans City School multiple times to familiarize our 8th graders with the building and schedule they will soon be moving into. |
ATHLETICS - CHEERLEADING & BASKETBALL COMPETITION SCHEDULE Link to St. Albans City School Athletics Calendar Webpage Please contact Wendy Trainer with any questions. 802-527-0565 ext 3781 |
Please advise us if special meal accommodations are required for allergens or other special dietary needs. |
No staff birthdays today. |
LIBRARY BOOKS Last month, books on human rights were highlighted. Unfortunately, not all the relevant books of interest made it into the announcements. If you want to check out the complete list for December, then go to THIS LINK. Here is one example of a book that did not make it into the announcements last month.
COVID GUIDANCE FROM THE NURSES Go to this Link for what to do. SUBSTITUTES NEEDED For more information click on this link |