BUSSING IS AVAILABLE MONDAY-THURSDAY LEAVING AT 4:30 pm for after-school sports MONDAY XC HOME vs Town, 4 pm 5/6 B Soccer Practice 3-430 7/8 G Soccer Practice 430-6 7/8 B Soccer Practice 430-6 TUESDAY 7/8 G Soccer Practice 430-6 7/8 B Soccer Practice 430-6 WEDNESDAY 5/6 B Soccer Practice 3-430 5/6 G Soccer Practice 3-430 7/8 G Soccer Practice 430-6 7/8 B Soccer Practice 430-6 XC Practice 3:00-4:00 THURSDAY 5/6 B Soccer Practice 3-430 5/6 G Soccer Practice 3-430 7/8 G Soccer Practice 430-6 7/8 B Soccer Practice 430-6 FRIDAY 5/6 G Soccer Practice 3-430 7/8 G Soccer Practice 430-6 SATURDAY 7/8 Soccer AWAY @ SATEC Jamboree G- 830-1230 pm B-12:30-430 pm XC AWAY @ Hard’ack 8:00 am |
12:15-12:45 Molly Smith and Tomas Zemianek
12:45-1:15 Bella Stott and Kaitlyn Nicholas
1:15-1:45 Genevieve LaClair
1:45-2:15 Eamon Garceau
2:15-2:45 Amber Poquette & Faith Marshall
Ellis Music Instrument Demonstration Tuesday, September 11th. 9:30 to 10:15 AM. Location: Cafeteria Team Triumph Parent Meeting Tuesday, September 11th. 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Location: Room A208 Team USA Parent Night Tuesday, September 11th. 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Location: Team USA Classrooms Everyone: Walking Wednesday Wednesday, September 12th. 6:45 to 7:30 AM. Link to Map and Route Times. PreK and K walking students can arrive with the older kids and spend time in Ms. Walsh's room until the other PreK/K kids arrive. All 3rd Grade Classes: Field Trip to the St. Albans Bay Park Thursday, September 13th. 8:10 AM to 1:00 PM. Transportation TBA MRUSD Board Meeting Wednesday, September 19th. 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Location: Fairfield Center School Parent Community Council (PCC) Thursday, September 20th. 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Location: AC206 Triumph Students: Field Trip to Hard'ack Friday, September 21st. 9:00 AM to 1:45 PM. Instrument Rental Night Friday, September 21st. 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Location: Band Room
Everyone: St. Albans City School Open House
Thursday, September 27th. 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Locations: Library, Large Gym, Small Gym
Kindergarten Navigators/Dreamers/Adventurers: Field Trip to Hackett’s Orchard
Friday, September 28th. 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Transportation: Bus
September 6th. PreK and Kindergarten first (half) day of school
FIRST WALKING WEDNESDAY IS SEPTEMBER 12TH Walking Wednesday Flyers were delivered to every learning community on Friday, September 7th to go into Friday Folders and backpacks. We suggest you post the flyer in your house to know when these walks will be held. If you have misplaced your flyer, check out the map and schedule below to join in on Walking Wednesdays. Biking on those days is also encouraged, although you may want to bike into school independent of a walking school bus. LINK TO LARGER VERSION OF THE FLYER SOCCER SHOOT For ages 13 and under. Location Hard'ack. Time 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Free cookout. Free Elks Soccer Shootout T-shirt. LINK TO FLYER CUB SCOUTS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS GRADES 1-5 It may still be possible to sign up to be a cub scout this year. LINK TO FLYER WITH INFORMATION. Reach out to the organizers to see if spots remain open. PLEASE RETURN ALL BEGINNING OF THE YEAR INFORMATION FORMS TO YOUR TEACHERS
OUR NEW PHONE SYSTEM IS GRADUALLY GETTING FIGURED OUT Call the main school number, 802-527-0565, to reach the person you are interested in. All other old phone numbers have changed and won't work anymore. RENAISSANCE WANTS YOUR COMPOST! The Renaissance Community is collecting compost from all classroom compost buckets. We will be using the compost to make nutrient-rich soil for our school gardens. Where: The big buckets in the Renaissance hallway outside of A-16. When: Any time during the school day. How: Empty your compost buckets into the big buckets and take your compost buckets back with you. What: Breakfast and snack compost except for dairy and meat products. We cannot accept compost that has any trash in it except for brown paper towels. The Renaissance community and the environment thank you! |