Monday, August 31, 2020

Announcements - Transportation, Family Night w/Joelle Van Lent, Open House

Dear St. Albans City School Family,

As we get closer to the start of school, we want to continue to share the procedures that will be new. One of the expectations for being safe in this new COVID world is that we stagger start and stop times.  We are also expected to change our bus routines to be as safe as possible. We have done several things at the start and end of the day. 

Students that walk or ride the bus will arrive at 7:30.  Families that drop off can drop off between 7:45 and 8:00. At the end of the day buses and walkers will leave at 2:30 and family pickup will be at 2:45. 

This year we are strongly recommending that if families can drop off their children and pick them up, it is actually preferred. Walking and biking would be even better for older students. We are hoping to have crossing guards to help students navigate busy roads and railroad crossings.  It is our hope that we will only be busing students that must have the bus to access school. We will have a video and a map ready for you tomorrow.

A few notes regarding the questions we are getting. While we really would prefer not to have backpacks during the warmer weather, we are not stopping them from being used. We will however reach out to families if students bring things that should not be at school, such as toys and school supplies that should be left home.  We are asking that each student brings a water bottle that will go back home each night for cleaning. If the student forgets, we do have paper cups. 

Reminder that Tuesday, September 1, 2020, at 7:00 we will offer another MRUSD Family Night with Joelle Van Lent. To sign up for this event, please use this form

Our Outdoor Open House is open to all families, Hybrid or Virtual Academy, so that parents can see the steps we are taking and meet the teachers and staff. Again, Open Houses are on Sept. 2 and Sept. 3 from 5-7 pm by appointment. At the Open House, we will have packets for families that will include all of the forms needed for the start of the year.

Our School Community is Raider Strong! 

Joan and Stacie

Mr. Charpentier is seeking students interested in signing up for the MRUSD orchestra this school year.  Please use this link to do so. Orchestra Registration

Pictures from last year in non-Covid times